

تخسيس بدون جوع

خطة تخسيس 7 كيلو في 14 يوم بدون جوعنانيس محمد15 أبريل, 2012 27 خطة تخسيس 7 كيلو في 14 يوم بدون جوعهو موضوعنا اليوم فى جمالك دوت كوموهو من الموضوعات التى سوف تبهر الكثيرات وتجعلهم يحاولون القيام بعمل هذه الخطة للوصول إلى الجسم المثالي التى تسعيين للحصول عليه ،كل ما عليكى الأن هو أن تتبعىخطة تخسيس 7 كيلو في 14 يوم بدون جوع . خطة تخسيس 7 كيلو جرام بدون الشعور بالجوع عدد الأيام 14يوماً السبت : الإفطار :نصف كوب عصير جريب فروت وقطعة خبز أسمر مع فنجان من الشاي . الغداء :سلطة دجاج وقطعة خبز أسمر وكوب من القهوة أو الشاي . العشاء : سمكه مشويةوطبق سلطة خضار مع نصف كوب عصير جريب فروت . الأحد : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :سلطة التونة بدون زيوت مع الليمون -خس -تفاحة -فنجان قهوة أو شاي . العشاء :يخنة اللحم – لوبيا مسلوقة – سلطة خضار -فنجان قهوة أو شاي . الإثنين : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :بيضتان مسلوقتان و30 جرام جبنة قليلة الدسم بالإضافة إلى قطعة من الخبز الأسمر وكوب من الشاي . العشاء :قطعة دجاج مشوية بدون جلد وطبق صغير سبانخ سوتيه مع كوب من القهوة أو الشاي . الثلاثاء : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :قطعة جبن صغيرة مع السبانخ وتفاحة مع فنجان من القهوة أو الشاي . العشاء :سمك مشوي وطبق سلطة خضار مع كوب شاي . الأربعاء : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :قطعة دجاج مشوية وطبق سلطة طماطم وكوب عصير جريب فروت . العشاء :طبق سلطة خس وطبق سلطة فواكة وكوب من الشاي أو القهوة . الخميس : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :قطعة دجاج مشوية مع قطع من الطماطم والجزر وملفوف مسلوق وكوب من الشاي . العشاء :قطعة من اللحم وتكون مشوية وطبق من سلطة الخضار مع كوب من الشاي أو القهوة . الجمعة : الإفطار :نصف كوب من عصير الجريب فروت مع قطعة خبز أسمر وفنجان من الشاي . الغداء :طبق سلطة خس وطبق سلطة فواكة وكوب من الشاي أو القهوة . العشاء :قطعتين من الهامبورجر المشوى وسلطة ملفوف مع فنجان قهوة أو شاي . قومى بتكرار هذا الرجيم لمدة أسبوع أخر وسوف تلاحظين الفرق ونتمنى بأن نكون قد قدمنا الإستفادة المطلوبة ،ولا يتبقى عليكي الأن سوي أن تعرفى كيفية الحفاظ على ثبات الوزنحتى لا تهدرى الوقت الذى أخذتيه فىخطة تخسيس 7 كيلو في 14 يوم بدون جوع . ضعي بصمتك واتركي تعليقك :

افضل طرق تقوية الذاكرة

تواجه مشكلة في تذكر أين تركت مفاتيح سيارتك؟ نسيت لالتقاط عنصر من البقالة؟ وعلى موعد مع طبيبك أنك مقررة الأسبوع الماضي وتراجع تماما عقلك؟ الشخص ذو الذاكرة الضعيفة يمكن أن يكون محبطا للغاية في الحياة اليومية! مشاكل الذاكرة هي شكوى شائعة جدا، خصوصا مع زيادة العمر و بسبب عوامل أخرى تؤثر على الذاكرة مثل الحرمان من النوم، والإجهاد، والاكتئاب، ونقص التغذية )خاصة الفيتامينات B(، أو فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية، وشرب الكحول والتدخين واستخدام بعض الأدوية. المشاكل في الذاكرة العامة ، يمكن تحسينها ببعض العلاجات المنزلية الطبيعية وإدخال تغييرات في نمط الحياة , وفيما يلي أهم 10 العلاجات المنزلية لتحسين الذاكرة و اهم نصائح لتحسين الذاكرة و طرق طبيعية لتقوية الذاكرة طرق طبيعية لتقوية الذاكرة 1. اللوز: اللوزهو ممتاز في تحسين الذاكرة والقدرات العقلية لأنه غني بالمواد المضادة للأكسدة وأحماض أوميغا 3 الدهنية التي تعزز الذاكرة. بسبب محتوى مضادات الأكسدة . الطريقة :نقع 5-10 حبات من اللوز في الماء طوال الليل , في صباح اليوم التالي، يقشر الجلد ويطحن اللوز , يغلى مع كوب واحد من الحليب , إضافة بعض السكر أو العسل للطعم , شربه يوميا لمدة 30 أو 40 يوما. 2. اكليل الجبل ) روزماري ( :روزماري هو عشبة شعبية لتحسين الذاكرة الضعيفة. حتى شم رائحتة يمكن أن تساعد في تحسين الذاكرة . في دراسة 2013 التي أجريت في جامعة نورثمبريا في انكلترا، وجد الباحثون أن رائحة روزمارييمكن أن تساعد في تحسين الذاكرة. الطريقة :اضافة ملعقة من إكليل الجبل المجفف في كوب من الماء المغلي لمدة خمس دقائق. إذا كان لديك إكليل الجبل الطازج، اضافة غصن في إبريق الشاي يحتوي على الماء الساخن لمدة ثلاث إلى خمس دقائق. تصفى ويضاف العسل للطعم، إذا رغبت في ذلك. شربه يوميا لبضعة أسابيع. يمكنك أيضا استنشاق رائحتة أو إضافة بضع قطرات من الزيت إلى الغرفة . 3. الحبة السوداء )حبة البركة( :البذور السوداء )الاسم العلمي، الحبة السوداء(، لها تاثير عظيم على العقل وذلك بفضل مضادات الأكسدة، وخصائصه المضادة للالتهابات وحماية الخلايا العصبية. الطريقة :مزج القليل من العسل مع نصف ملعقة صغيرة من الحبة السوداء, وتناوله مرتين يوميا على الأقل لبضعة أسابيع. 4. عنب الثعلب الهندي :وجدت دراسة أجريت عام 2007 نشرت في مجلة علم وظائف الأعضاء والسلوك أن إعداد الايورفيدا، يمكن تحسين الذاكرة ويساعد في إدارة مرض الزهايمر. نظرا الى ارتفاع فيتامين C ومضادات الأكسدة، ويعمل أيضا باعتباره معززة جيد للمناعة. الطريقة :أخذ 1-3 ملاعق صغيرة ثلاث مرات في اليوم على الأقل لبضعة أسابيع. وثمة خيار آخر هو مزيج مقدار ملعقة كل من عنب الثعلب الهندي وبذور السمسم الأبيض، وطحنه إلى مسحوق وإضافة ملعقة من العسل إلى هذا الخليط و تناوله مرة واحدة يوميا لبضعة أيام. 5. زيت السمك:مكملات زيت السمك للمساعدة في تحسين الذاكرة والحد من التدهور الإدراكي، وذلك بفضل مستويات عالية من أحماض أوميغا 3 الدهنية. حمض الدوكوساهيكسانويك )DHA( الموجودة في زيت السمك قد يساعد أيضا في منع مرض الزهايمر. أخذ مكملات زيت السمك، التي تحتوي على 600 ملغ على الأقل DHA يوميا. يمكنك أيضا تناول الأسماك الدهنية مثل السلمون والرنجة والماكريل والسردين في النظام الغذائي الخاص بك.

تمارين الضغط Push up

تمرين الضغط Push up من اكثر التمارين انتشاراً , ولكن يوجد بعض الناس لا يعرفون فوائد هذا التمرين , او لا يعرفون كيف يقومون بأدائه , لذلك قررت كتابة هذا الموضوع عنه. فوائد تمرين الضغط ) Push up ( :- 1- يقوي عضلات الصدر:- فتمرين الضغط ) Push up ( هو من اسهل التمارين التي يمكنك اداءها في البيت , فهو لا يحتاج أية ادوات او معدات , فقط يحتاج إلى أرض صلبة لكي تقوم بعمل هذا التمرين. 2-يقوي الكتف الأمامي ) القريب من الصدر ( :-من الناحية التي تكون بين منطقة الصدر ومنطقة الكتف الأمامي , فهو أيضاً يعمل على تقويتها , بل هو من أفضل التمارين لتقوية تلك العضلات , لذلك هو تمرين مهم جداً لجميع الناس , وليس فقط لاعبي كمال الاجسام. 3- يقوي من عضلات البطن ) لأنه يشبه تمرين Plank ( :-نعم , فعند ادائك لتمرين الضغط ) Push up ( , فإنك سوف تؤثر أيضاً على عضلات بطنك , وهذا يعني ان هذا التمرين مهم جداً لتقوية عدة عضلات دفعة واحدة. 4- يزيد من قوتك وطاقتك :-كل من جرب هذا التمرين , وانتظم عليه لمدة شهر على الأقل , اكد أنه يزيد من قوتك وطاقتك بشكل كبير جداً , لذلك اذا كنت ممن يبحثون عن زيادة القوة والطاقة , فعليك بهذا التمرين. 5- ينشط عمليات حرق الدهون بالجسم :-كأي تمرين آخر لبناء العضلات , فإن العضلات عندما تنتهي من تمرينك فإنها تكون بها تمزقات خفيفة , وتحتاج عدة ايام لكي تلتئم , وهذه العملية بحد ذاتها تسرع من عمليات الايض في الجسم. 6- يغير شكل جسمك بالكامل :-فكما قلنا فوق , فإنه يؤثر على العديد من العضلات , كما انه يزيد قوتك , ويساعدك في حرق الدهون , اي أنه تمرين متكامل لتغير شكل جسمك كله. كيف تقوم بعمل هذا التمرين :- تماماً مثل الصورة , 1- استلق على الأرض وارفع نفسك مستخدماً يديك 2- ابدأ بالنزول تدريجياً وليس بسرعة كبيرة 3- ابدأ بالصعود تدريجياً 4- قم بعمل العدد الذي تستطيع القيام به , وقم بعمل 3-4 جولات في النهاية :- هذا الموضوع حصري لموقع تمارين, اذا اردت نقل الموضوع فيرجى ذكر رابط المصدر . اذا كان لديك اي استفسار , فلا تتردد بسؤالنا.

عمل الكابتشينو بالرغوة في المنزل وحفظه في الثلاجه شهور

المكونات والمقادير لعمل الكابتشينو فى المنزل نحتاج الى كميات متساوية من النسكافية والماء والسكر وهنا انا بستعمل النسكافية الكلاسيك العادى لعشاق النسكافية بالرغوة هنا دة برطمان نسكافية صغير انا هاعمل كمية منة ونحتفظ بية فى الفريرز نبدا طريقة العمل والتحضير نحضر وعاء عميق ونفضى برطمان النسكافية ونملا نفس البرطمان بالسكر كمعيار وبكدة يكون عندنا مقدار متساوى من السكر والنسكافية نقلبهم مع بعض ثم بنفس البرطمان نملئة بالماء ونسكبة فوق الخليط يعنى لو تحبوا تعايرو بالكوب عادى خالص لو مثلا نقدر نقول 1 كوب نسكافية 1كوب سكر 1 كوب ماء ونبدا نضربهم بالمضرب الكهربائى فى الاول بيكون اللون غامق بالشكل كدة نستمر فى الخفق الى ان نحصل على خليط كريمى فاتح اللون بالشكل دة ونحتفظ بالخليط دة فى الفريزر وليس الثلاجة وما تخافوش هوة مش بيجمد قوى لا بيكون مسامة زى الايس كريم بالشكل دة هنا بعد ما وضعناة فى الفريزر حبيت تشوفو شكلة وعند الحاجة نحضر الفنجان ونضع معلقة من الخليط ونغلى الحليب ونصبة على الخليط ونقلب كويس ولعمل اشكال مميزة نحتاج الى شيكولاتة ذائبة ونرسم اشكال حسب الرغبة وهنا دى اشكال مختلفة طبعا نضع الشيكولاتة فى كورنية من ورق الزبدة ونبدأ الرسم اترككم مع الصور والاشكال المختلفة وبالهنا ** منوس ننوس

Salat: Friday Prayer Jumma

Salaat-ul-Jummaor Friday Prayer is offered in congregation. It is offered in place ofZhuhrPrayer. Each week on Friday, Muslims are required to take a bath, dress in their best clean clothes, wear perfume and assemble in the mosque for Friday Prayer. The Holy Quran and theSunnahspeak highly of the blessings of Jumm'a Prayer. If a Muslim spends Friday in the remembrance of God Almighty, supplicating before his Lord, he is abundantly rewarded by Allah. Friday Prayer is an occasion for the assembly of the Muslims of a whole city or a town. In a large city, Friday Prayer can be offered in more than one place for the convenience of the Muslim community. It gives them an opportunity to meet together to discuss and solve their individual as well as community problems. Getting together once a week develops unity, co-operation and cohesiveness among Muslims. Friday Prayer is also a demonstration of Islamic equality. It gives theImama chance to advise all Muslims at the same time on urgent matters that face them. TheImam'ssermon gives them guidance in Islamic teachings. Friday Prayer is an obligatory Prayer for every adult male Muslim. However, those who are sick, blind or disabled, those on a journey, and women, are exempt from the obligation of attending the Prayer at the mosque. They can join in the Prayer if they so wish, but if they cannot attend the Friday Prayer, they have to offerZhuhrPrayer instead, as the Friday Prayer is offered in place ofZhuhrPrayer. There are two Adhans for Friday Prayer. The firstAthanis recited when the sun begins to decline and the second is recited just before theImamstands up before the congregation to deliver his sermon. The sermon consists of two parts. In the first part theImam, after the recitation of Att'-awwuz andSuraFatiha, advises the gathering to act upon the commandments of Allah and also about the duties they have to perform to become good Muslims. The sermon can also deal with any other matter of importance. This part of the sermon can be delivered in any language. After delivering the first part of the sermon, theImamsits down for a short while, then stands up again and starts with the second part which is in Arabic and which reads as follows: Transliteration: Alhamdu lillahi nahmaduhu wa nasta 'inuhu wa nastaghfiruhu wa nu' minu bihi wa natawakkalu 'alaih. Wa na 'uThu Billahi min shururi anfusina wamin sayy 'ati a 'malina. Man yahdihillahu fala mudhilla lahu wa man yudlilhu fala hadiya lah. Wa nash-hadu alla ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu wa nash-hadu anna Muhmmadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh. Ibadallah rahima-kumullah. Innallaha ya'muru bil 'adli wal-ihsani wa itai Thil-qurba. wa yanha 'anil fahshai wal- munkari wal-baghyi, Ya 'izhkum la 'allakum taThakkarun. UThkurrullah yaTh-kur-kum wad 'uhu yastajib lakum. Wala Thikrullahi akbar. Translation: All praise is due to Allah. We laud Him, we beseech help from Him and ask His protection; we confide in Him, we trust Him alone and we seek protection against the evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad results of our deeds. Whomsoever He guides on the right path, none can misguide him; and whosoever He declares misled, none can guide him onto the right path. And we bear witness that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. We bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah commands you to act with justice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others as one does to one 's kindred and forbids evil which pertain to your own selves and evils which affect others and prohibits revolts against a lawful authority. He warns you against being unmindful. You remember Allah; He too will remember you; call Him and He will make a response to your call. And verily divine remembrance is the highest virtue. Muslims are required to listen to the sermon attentively. Any type of conversation during the sermon is prohibited. After theImamhas delivered the second part of the sermon, the Iqamah is recited and theImamleads the congregational twoRaka'atof Jummah Prayer. The Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not approve of a person telling others to refrain from conversation while theImamis delivering his Sermon. In unavoidable circumstances, a gesture by hand or with a finger can be made to draw the attention of someone to stop talking. In case theImamasks something during the sermon, then he should be replied to.

General Recommendations:

It is strongly recommended by Prophet Muhammad to observe these practices especially during Ramadan: 1.To have a light meal before the break of the dawn, known as Suhoor. 2.To eat a few dates or start breaking the fast by plain water right after sunset, saying this prayer Allah humma laka sumna, wa 'ala rizqika aftarna. (O God! for Your sake have we fasted and now we break the fast with the food You have given us). 3.To make your meals as light as possible because, as the Prophet put it, the worst thing man can fill is his stomach. 4.To observe the supererogatory prayer known as Taraweeh. 5.To exchange social visits and intensify humanitarian services. 6.To increase the study and recitation of the Qur'an. 7.To exert the utmost in patience and humbleness. 8.To be extraordinarily cautious in using one's senses, one's mind and, especially, the tongue; to abstain from careless gossip and avoid all suspicious motions.

‏‎Exemption From Fasting:‎

Exemption From Fasting: These said qualifications exclude the following categories: 1.Children under the age of puberty and discretion. 2.Insane people who are unaccountable for their deeds. People of these two categories are exempted from the duty of fist, and no compensation or any other substitute is enjoined on them. 3.Men and women who are too old and feeble to undertake the obligation of fast and bear its hardships. Such people are exempted from this duty, but they must offer, at least, one needy poor Muslim an average full meal or its value per person per day. 4.Sick people whose health is likely to be severely affected by the observance of fast. They may postpone the fast, as long as they are sick, to a later date and make up for it, a day for a day. 5.Travelers may break the fast temporarily during their travel only and make up for it in later days, a day for a day 6.Pregnant women and women breast-feeding their children may also break the fast, if its observance is likely to endanger their own health or that of their infants. But they must make up for the fast at a delayed time, a day for a day. 7.Women in the -period of menstruation (of a maximum of ten days or of confinement (of a maximum of forty days).; They must postpone the fast till recovery and then make up for it, a day for a day. It should be understood that here, like in all other Islamic undertakings, the intention must be made clear that this action is undertaken in obedience to God, in response to His command and out of love of Him. The fast of any day of Ramadan becomes void by intentional eating or drinking or smoking or indulgence in any intimate intercourse, and by allowing anything to enter through the mouth into the interior parts of the body. And if this is done deliberately without any lawful reason, this is a major sin which only renewed repentance can expiate. If anyone, through forgetfulness, does something that would ordinarily break the fast, 0a observance is not nullified, and his fast stands valid, provided he stops doing that thing the moment he realizes what he is doing. On completion of the fast of Ramadan, the special charity known as Sadagat-ul-Fitr (charity of ' Fast-breaking) must be distributed before 'Eid-ul-Fitr (approximately), seven dollars per head.

Who Must Fast?

Fasting Ramadan is compulsory upon every Muslim, male or female, who has these qualifications: 1.To be mentally and physically fit, which means to be sane and able. 2.To be of full age, the age of puberty and discretion, which is normally about fourteen. Children under this age should be encouraged to start this good practice on easy levels, so when they reach the age of puberty they will be mentally and physically prepared to observe fasting. 3.To be present at one's permanent settlement, your home town, one's farm, and one's business premises, etc. This means not to be on a journey of about fifty miles or more. 4.To be fairly certain that fasting is unlikely to cause you any harm, physical or mental, other than the normal reactions to hunger, thirst, etc

Islamic fasting

Muslim World League Canada Office Fasting is another unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. Literally defined, fasting means to abstain "completely" from foods, drinks, intimate intercourse and smoking, before the break of the dawn till sunset, during the entire month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. But if we restrict the meaning of the Islamic Fasting to this literal sense, we would be sadly mistaken. When Islam introduced this matchless institution, it planted an ever-growing tree of infinite virtue and invaluable products. Here is an explanation of the spiritual meaning of the Islamic Fasting: 1.It teaches man the principle of sincere Love: because when he observes Fasting he does it out of deep love for God. And the man who loves God truly is a man who really knows what love is. 2.It equips man with a creative sense of hope and an optimistic outlook on life; because when he fasts he is hoping to please God and is seeking His Grace. 3.It imbues in man the genuine virtue of effective devotion, honest dedication and closeness to God; because when he fasts he does so for God and for His sake alone. 4.It cultivates in man a vigilant and sound conscience; because the fasting person keeps his fast in secret as well as in public. In fasting, especially, there is no mundane authority to check man's behavior or compel him to observe fasting. He keeps it to please God and satisfy his own conscience by being faithful in secret and in public. There is no better way to cultivate a sound conscience in man. 5.It indoctrinates man in patience and selflessness, as through fasting, he feels the pains of deprivation but he endures them patiently. 6.It is an effective lesson in applied moderation and willpower. 7.Fasting also provides man with a transparent soul, a clear mind and a light body. 8.It shows man a new way of wise savings and sound budgeting. 9.It enables man to master the art of Mature Adaptability. We can easily understand the point once we realize that fasting makes man change the entire course of his daily life. 10.It grounds man in discipline and healthy survival. 11.It originates in man the real spirit of social belonging, unity and brotherhood, of equality before God as well as before the law. 12.It is a Godly prescription for self-reassurance and self-control. Now, someone may be tempted to raise the objection: If this is the case with the Islamic institution of fasting, and if this is the picture of Islam in this aspect, why are the Muslims not living in a utopia? To such an objection we can only say that Muslims have lived in and enjoyed a utopia in a certain epoch of their history. The realization of that utopia was a phenomenon of a unique achievement in the history of man. We say unique, because no religion or social system other than Islam has ever been able to realize its ideals in reality. The reason why the Islamic utopia is not being established nowadays is manifold and easily explicable. But to restrict our discussion to the institution of fasting we may say that some Muslims, unfortunately for them, do not observe the fast or, at best, adopt the attitude of indifference. On the other hand, some of those who observe it do not realize its true meaning and, as a result, derive very little benefit out of it or, in fact, no benefit at all. That is why some Muslims today, do not enjoy the real privileges of fasting. It has already been indicated that the period of obligatory fasting is the month of Ramadan. The daily period of observance starts before the break of the dawn and ends immediately after sunset. Normally there are accurate calendars to toll the exact time, but in the absence of such facilities one should consult one's watch and the sun's positions, together with the local newspapers, weather bureau, etc. Fasting Ramadan is obligatory on every responsible and fit Muslim. But there are other times when it is recommended to make voluntary fasting, after the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad. Among these times are Mondays and Thursdays of every week, a few days of each month in the two months heralding the coming of Ramadan, i.e., Rajab and Sha'ban, six days after Ramadan following the 'Eid-ul-Fitr Day. Besides, it is always compensating to fast any day of any month of the year, except the 'Eid Days and Fridays when no Muslim should fast. However, we may repeat that the only obligatory fasting is that of Ramadan - which may be 29 or 30 days, depending on the moon's positions. This is a pillar of Islam, and any failure to observe it without reasonable excuses is a grave sin in the sight of God

How to PerformSalah

This completes the firstRak'ahor unit ofSalah. Now stand up for the secondRak'ahand perform it in the same way, except that you do not reciteSubhanakaat the beginning, and after the secondSujood(prostration) you sit on the left leg while keeping the right foot upright and put your right hand on the right thigh, with all fingers together in a fist except the index finger. Stick the index finger straight out. Put your left hand on the left thigh. Now reciteTashahhudsilently: التحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات، السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة لله وبركاته، السلام علينا و على عباد الله الصالحين، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله. "At-Tahiyyatu lillahiThis means: “Greetings, prayers and was- Salawatu wat-Tayyibatu. goodness belong to Allah. As-Salamu ' alaikaPeace be on you, ayyuhannabiyyuO Prophet wa rahmatullahiand the mercy ofAllah wa barakatuhu. and His blessings. Assalamu 'alaina wa’alaPeace be on us and on ibadil-Lahis -Salihinthe righteous servants ofAllah ash hadu al-La ilahaI bear witness that il-Lal lahuthere is no god butAllah, wa ash hadu annaand bear witness that Muhammadan abduhuMuhammadis His servant wa rasuluhu."and Messenger.” In a three-Rak'ahSalah(as inMaghrib) or a four-Rak'ahSalah(Dhuhr, Asr,andIsha) you stand up for the remainingRak'ah(s)after you have doneTashahhud.For a two-Rak'ahSalahyou remain seated afterTashahhudand then recite silentlyAssalatul-Ibrahimiyah: اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم، وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم، في العالمين إنك حميد مجيد. "Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin“OAllah, let Your mercy come uponMuhammad Wa 'ala ali Muhammadinand the family ofMuhammad Kama sallaita 'ala Ibrahimaas You let it come uponIbrahim wa 'ala ali Ibrahimaand the family ofIbrahim wa barik 'ala MuhammadinOAllah, blessMuhammad wa 'ala ali Muhammadinand the family ofMuhammad Kama barakta ' ala Ibrahimaas You blessedIbrahim Wa ' ala ali Ibrahimaand the family ofIbrahim. Fil a'lamina InnakaTruly You are hamidun Majid."Praiseworthy and Glorious.” After this say silently:"Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min adhabi jahanam wamin adhabil qabri wamin sharri fitnatil mahya wal mamat wamin sharri fitnatil masihid dajjaal. Rabbi-ghfir li waliwalidayya, rabbi-rhamhuma kama rabbayani saghira." اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم، و من عذاب القبر، و من فتنة المحيا و الممات، و من فتنة المسيح الدجال، رب اغفر لي و لوالدي رب ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا. This means: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the torment of the Hellfire, from the torment of the grave, from the trials and afflictions of life and death, and from the deception of the False-Christ. O my Lord! Grant me and my parents forgiveness, and bestow Your mercy upon them, just as they brought zme up when I was small.” 11. Now turn your face to the right saying:"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah"(peace and the mercy ofAllahbe on you) and then to the left repeating the same words. This completes the two-Rak'ahSalah. In the three or four-Rak'ahprayers (Dhuhr,Asr,Maghrib,andIsha) the whole procedure is repeated in the remainingRak'ah(s), except afterTashahhud, you say "Allahu Akbar" and stand up and only reciteSurat Al-FatihainFardprayers and no otherSurah, then continue doing the rest of the actions as you have done before (Rukoo', rising,Sujood).Then stand again for the fourthRak'ah. Also, in the lastRak'ahof any prayer,after you have made yourSujood, sit up and silently recite bothTashahhudandSalatul Ibrahimiyyah. At the end of any prayer, you must finish by makingTasleem. When to Recite Aloud or Silently: During obligatoryFajrprayers, you recite theQur'analoud in bothRak'ahs. You also recite the first twoRak'ahsof the obligatory prayers ofMaghriband'Ishaaloud as well. However, the third and fourthRak'ahsare always recited silently during obligatory prayers. Also, in theDhuhrandAsrprayers, the recitation is always silent for all fourRak'ahs. Furthermore, the one who leadsJumu'ahprayers (Friday prayer in place ofDhuhr) will recite theQur'analoud.

How to PerformSalah

Having cleansed yourself byWudu, you may proceed to performSalah.Wuduis a ritual cleansing. Before you begin yourSalah, however, you must make sure that you have a clean body, a clean place to pray, and that you are wearing clothing free of impurities. The minimum clothing required duringSalahis: A. For males:Any clothing that covers from the naval to the knees. It is preferable to cover the shoulders. B. For females:Any clothing that covers all of the body (including the head) except the face, hands, and according to Imam Abu-Hanifah the toes and a portion of the front of the feet. The way to offerSalahis: 1. Stand upright facing the direction ofAl-Ka'bah. This position is calledQiyaamand the direction is calledQiblahin Arabic. TheQiblahin North Americais towards the east with a slight angle towards the north. 2. MakeNiyyah(intention) in your heart for the prayer you want to pray. 3. Raise your hands to your ears and say:"Allahu Akbar.”This means: (Allahis the Greatest). This is calledTakbiratul Ihram 4. Now place your right hand on top of your left hand on the chest and look downward to the place where your forehead will touch the ground in theSujood(prostration)and recite silently: "Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara kasmuka wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka." سبحانك اللهم و بحمدك، وتبارك اسمك، و تعالى جدك، ولا إله غيرك This means: “O Allah, how perfect You are and praise be to You. Blessed is Your name, and exalted is Your majesty. There is no god but You.” [Only recite this supplication,Subhanaka, at the beginning of the firstRak'ah] Then recite silently:"A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim." أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم This is calledTa'awwudh, and it means: “I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan.” بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Then recite:"Bismillahir rahmanir rahim." This is calledTasmiyah, and it means: “In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.” 5. After this, reciteSuratul Fatihah(the opening chapter) of the NobleQur'an: "Al hamdu lil lahi rabbil 'alamin. Arrahmanir rahim. Maliki yawmiddin. Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in. Ihdinas siratal mustaqim. Siratal ladhina an'amta'alaihim, ghairil maghdubi'alaihim wa lad dhallin. (Amin)" <> الحمد لله رب العالمين، الرحمن الرحيم، مالك يوم الدين، إياك نعبد > وإياك نستعين، اهدنا الصراط المستقيم، صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولأ الضا لين < This means: "All praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the most Gracious, the most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone we worship, from You alone we seek help. Guide us along the straight path - the path of those whom You favored, not of those who earned Your anger or went astray.” You must reciteSuratAl-Fatihahin each unit (Rak’ah) of the prayer, if you pray alone. However, if praying behind an Imam and he recites loudly, then it is not necessary for you to recite it. 6. Now recite any other passage from the NobleQur'an. For example: "Bismillahir rahmanir rahim Qul hu wal lahu ahad, allahus samad, lam yalid wa lam yulad, wa lam ya kul lahu kufuwan ahad." > بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم < > قل هوا لله أحد،الله الصمد، لم يلد و لم يولد، و لم يكن له كفوا أحد < This means: “In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah is Eternal and Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal unto Him.” 7. Now bow down saying:"Allahu Akbar" and place your hands on your knees and say silently:"Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim."This means: (How Perfect is my Lord, the Supreme) three times. This position is calledRukoo'. Keep your head in line with your back, and look downward to the place ofSujood.(See step 9) 8. Stand up from the bowing position saying:"Sami'Allahu liman hamidah"(Allahhears those who praise Him)"Rabbana lakal hamd."This means: (Our Lord, praise be to You). 9. Prostrate on the floor saying:"Allahu Akbar" with your forehead, nose, palms of both hands, your knees, and toes all touching the floor. Then recite silently:"Subhana Rabbiyal A'la." (How Perfect is my Lord, the Highest) three times. This position is calledSujood. Keep your arms away from the sides of the body and the ground. 10. Sit up from the floor sayingAllahu Akbar. Sit upright with your knees bent and palms placed on them and say: “Rabbighfir li.” رب اغفر لي This means: “O my Lord! Forgive me.” Say "Allahu Akbar" and again prostrate in the Sujood position. Recite "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" three times. Sit up from this position saying "Allahu Akbar

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-J

Abu Ubaidah was appointed by Khalid ibn al-Walid to siege the Jabiya Gate of Damascus. It was Abu Ubaidah who gave peace to Damascus after Khalid ibn al-Walid attacked the city and conquered it by force. Abu Ubaidah, Sharjeel ibn Hassana and 'Amr ibn al-'As, unaware of Khalid's attack from the Eastern Gate, gave peace to them, which was reluctantly endorsed by Khalid. The Byzantine army was given a cease fire of three days and allowed to go as far as they could with their families and treasure. Others simply agreed to stay at Damascus and pay tribute. The Muslims controlled the road to Emessa, so the Byzantines went west and then north up the Beqaa Valley. After the three day truce was over, the Muslim cavalry, under Khalid's command, pursued the Byzantine column via the shorter Emessa road and caught them in the northwest Beqaa Valley, just before they entered the mountains en route to Antiochat the Battle of Maraj-al-Debaj. [ 6 ] During Umar's era Appointment as Supreme Commander On 22 August 634, Caliph A

Abu Ubaidah

Campaigns as commander Main articles: Expedition of Amr ibn al-Asand Expedition of Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah In the year 629 Muhammad sent 'Amr ibn al-'Asto Daat al-Salaasil from where he called for reinforcements, this was known as the Expedition of Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah. Muhammad sent Abu Ubaidah in command of an army that included Abu Bakr and Umar. They attacked and defeated the enemy. Later in the same year, another expedition was sent under his command to locate the routes of Qurayshi caravans. [ 5 ] During Abu Bakr's era When Muhammad died in 632 the matter of his successiontook place at the Saqifahof Banu Sa'ida, Abu Ubaidah was there along with Abu Bakr and Umar. Umar said to Abu Ubaidah to stretch forth his hand for the caliphate, but he refused and said to Abu Bakr to stretch forth his hand to take the pledge of alliance. After the Ridda warswhen Abu Bakr sent Khalid ibn al-Walid to Iraqto conquer it, he sent four Muslim armies into the Levant, making Abu Ubaidah commander of one of them. His target was selected to be Emessaand he was ordered to move through the Tabuk regionafter the army of Sharjeel ibn Hassana. He remained commander in chief of the Muslim army until Khalid ibn al-Walid arrived from Iraq to Syriain 634. Abu Ubaidah was ordered by Khalid ibn al-Walid to remain where he was until Khalid ibn al-Walid reached the Ghassanidcity of Bosra, where they met. The castle surrendered the city after the Battle of Bosrain mid July 634 and 130 Muslims died in the battle. Soon the Muslims heard of a gathering of 90,000 Byzantinearmy (Eastern Roman army) at Ajnadayn, about 15 mi (24 km) southwest of Jerusalem. All the divisions of the Muslim army, about 32,000 in number, joined Khalid at Ajnadayn on 24 July 634. Under the command of Khalid ibn al-Walid the Muslims defeated the Byzantine armythere on 30 July 634 at the Battle of Ajnadayn. After one week, Abu Ubaidah, along with Khalid, moved towards Damascus. On their way to Damascus, they defeated another Byzantine army at the Battle of Yakusain mid-August 634. Caloiis and Azrail, the governor of Damascus, led another army to stop Khalid's corps but they were also defeated in the battle of Maraj-al-Safaron 19 August 634. The next day the Muslims reached Damascus and besieged the city, which continued for 30 days. After defeating the Byzantine reinforcements sent by Emperor Heracliusat the Battle of Sanita-al-Uqab, 20 mi (32 km) from Damascus, Khalid's forces attacked and entered the city. With Khalid's divisions investingthe city from the northeast, Thomas, the purported son-in-law of the Emperor Heraclius, surrendered the city to Ubaidah, who was besieging the Bab al-Jabiya(Jabiya Gate), on 19 September 634

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

The following verse of the Qur'anwas written about this display of character by Abu 'Ubaidah: You shall not find a people who believe in Allahand the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones. —Qur'an sura58, Al-Muja dila, ayah22 [ 3 ] In the year 625, he participated in the Battle of Uhud. In the second phase of the battle, when Khalid ibn al-Walid's cavalry attacked the Muslims from the rear, changing an Islamic victory into defeat, the bulk of the Muslim soldiers were routed from the battlefield, and few remained steadfast. Abu Ubaida

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

Tomb of Abu Ubaidah in Balqa Governorate, Jordan Nickname(s)Abu Ubaidah, Amin al-Ummah (Custodian of Ummah) Born583 Mecca, Arabia Died639 Jordan Valley, Jordan. Flag of Afghanistan (1880–1901).svg Rashidun Caliphate.Allegiance Flag of Afghanistan (1880–1901).svg Rashidun armyService/branch 634–639Years of service RankSupreme Commander of the Rashidun army(634–639) Governorof Levant(634–639)Commands held Muslim- QurayshWars Rashidun conquest of LevantBattles/wars Shrine of Abu Ubayda in the Jordan Valley in Jordan Abū ‘Ubaydah ‘Āmir ibn ‘Abdillāh ibn al-Jarāḥ(583–639) ( Arabic:أبو عبيدة عامر بن عبدالله بن الجراح‎), more commonly known asAbū ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarāḥ, was one of companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He remained commander of a large section of the Rashidun Armyduring the time of the Rashid Caliph Umarand was on the list of Umar's appointed successors to the Caliphate. Early life Abu Ubaidah was born in the year 583 CE in the house of 'Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah, a merchant by profession. Abu Ubaidah belonged to the Qurayshiclan of Banu al-Harith ibn Fihr. Even before his conversion to Islam, he was considered to be one of the nobles of the Quraysh and was famous among the Quraysh of Meccafor his modesty and bravery Conversion to Islam By 611, Muhammad was preaching the oneness of Godto the people of Mecca. He began by inviting his closest companions and relatives in secret to the way of Islam. He embraced Islam just a day after Abu Bakrin the year 611. [ 1 ] Migration to Abyssinia Abu Ubaidah lived through the harsh experience that the Muslims went through in Mecca from beginning to end. With other early Muslims, he endured the insults and oppressions of the Quraysh. As the first migration to Abyssinia( Ethiopia) succeeded, this violence against the Muslimsrenewed itself with much conviction and became stronger in its force. Being the only person in his clan to have accepted Islam, Abu Ubaidah was foremost amongst them. Muhammad suggested that the remaining Muslims who were especially subject to the atrocities of the people of Mecca migrate as well. Consequently, Abu 'Ubaidah migrated to Abyssinia along with a delegation of 83 men and 20 women. [ 2 ] Migration to Medina In 622 CE, when Muhammad migrated from Meccato Medina, Abu Ubaidah also migrated. When Muhammad arrived in Medina, he paired off each immigrant ( Muhajir) with one of the residents of Medina ( Ansari), joining Muadh ibn Jabalwith Abu Ubaidah making them brothers in faith. The Muslims remained in peace in Medina for about a year before the Quraysh raised an army to attack Medina. Military campaigns during Muhammad's era Battle of Badr and Uhud Main articles: Battle of Badrand Battle of Uhud In the year 624, Abu Ubaidah participated in the first major battle between the Muslims and the Quraysh of Mecca, at the Battle of Badr. In this battle, he was attacked by his father Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah, who was fighting alongside the army of Quraysh. Abu Ubaidah avoided fighting with him but eventually his father succeeded in blocking Abu Ubaidah's path. Abu Ubaidah then attacked him and killed him.


Bornc. 595 C.E. Mecca Diedc. 656 C.E.Venerated in IslamInfluences Muhammad TalhahorTalha, son of Obaidullah( Arabic:طلحة بن عبيدالله‎) (died 656) was one of the first eight persons to embrace Islam and a devoted disciple and companion of Muhammad, best known for his roles in the Battle of Uhudand the Battle of the Camel, in which he died. Early life (597–610) Talha was 64 (lunar) years old at his death on 7 December 656, indicating a birth-year of 594. [ 1 ] Muhammad's era (610–632) Muhammad, in a Hadith accepted by Sunni Muslims, specified ten of his companions who were promised paradise. Those companions named in this Hadith are referred to by Sunnis as The Ten Promised Paradise (Arabic: العشرة المبشرون بالجنة; al-`Ashara al-Mubasharîn bi-l-Janna). Talha was one of the Ten Promised Paradise. Talhah was also given the title of "The Generous" by Muhammad. [ 2 ] Ridda Wars In the third week of July 632, Abu Bakarscraped together an army mainly from the Banu Hashim(the clan of Muhammad) to defend Medinafrom an eminent invasion by the apostate forces of Tulayha, a self-proclaimed prophet. The army had stalwarts like Ali ibn Abi Talib, Talha ibn Ubaidullahand Zubair ibn al-Awameach of them was appointed as commander of one-third of the newly organised force, they had their roles during the Ridda Warsbut however did not face any combat scenarios. [ 3 ] Battle of the Camel and Death During the " Battle of the Camel" Marwan ibn al-Hakamis said to have shot his general Talhah with an arrow to the thigh while he was commanding Aisha's army, resulting in his death. Marwan killed Talhah in revenge for his alleged betrayal of the third Caliph, Uthman. See also *. Talha (name) *. Obaidullah (name) *. Sunni view of the Sahaba

Zayd ibn Harithah

BornZaid ibn haritha c. 581 Arabia Died629 (aged 48) Mu'tah, Byzantium Other namesZaid mawla MuhammadOccupation General, SahabiReligion IslamChildren Usama, Zayd, RuqayyaParent(s) Harithah Zayd ibn Harithah( Arabic:زيد بن حارثة‎) orZayd mawlaMuhammad(c. 581 – 629 CE) was a companionof Muhammadwho was at one stage regarded as his (adoptive) son. He is the only companion whose name appears in the Qur'an( 33:37). Childhood Zayd is said to have been ten years younger than Muhammad, suggesting a birth-year of c. 581. He is also said to have been 55 (lunar) years old at his death in 629, indicating a birthdate of 576. He is described as “a short, flat-nosed man, of a very dark brown skin.” [ 1 ] He was born into the Udhra branch of the Kalbtribe in the Najd(highlands) of central Arabia; he claimed a pedigree twelfth in descent from Udhra ibn Zayd al-Lat, who was in turn alleged to have been a great-great-grandson of Kalb ibn Wabara. Zayd's mother, Suda bint Thaalaba, was from the Maan branch of the Tayytribe. [ 2 ] When Zayd was a young boy of an age at which he could be a servant [ 3 ]he accompanied his mother on a visit to her family. While they were staying with the Maan tribe, horsemen from the Qayn tribe raided their tents and kidnapped Zayd. They took him to the market at Ukkaz and sold him as a slave for 400dirhams. [ 2 ] Zayd’s family searched for him, but without success. A lament is attributed to his father, Harithah ibn Sharahil: “I weep for Zayd, not knowing what became of him. Is he alive, is he to be expected, or has Death come over him? By God, I ask yet do not comprehend. Was it the plain or the mountain that brought about your end? I wish that I knew: Will you ever return? In this world only for your coming back I yearn. The sun reminds me of him when it dawns, evoking his memory as the dusk falls. When the winds blow, they stir up memories like dust. O how long my sorrow and fear for him last!” [ 4 ] Slavery in Mecca Zayd was purchased by a merchant of Mecca, Hakim ibn Hizam, who gave the boy as a present to his aunt, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. He remained in her possession until the day she married Muhammad, when she gave the slave as a wedding present to her bridegroom. Muhammad became very attached to Zayd, to whom he referred asal-Habib(“the beloved”). [ 2 ] Some years later, some members of Zayd’s tribe happened to arrive in Mecca on pilgrimage. They encountered Zayd and recognised each other, and he asked them to take a message home. Carry a message from me to my people, for I am far away, that close to the House and the places of pilgrimage I stay. Let go of the grief that has deeply saddened you, and do not hasten your camels all over the earth. I live with the best of families, may God be blessed; from father to son, of Ma’add they are the noblest. [ 5 ] On receiving this message, Zayd’s father and uncle immediately set out for Mecca. They found Muhammad at the Kaabaand promised him any ransom if he would return Zayd to them. Muhammad replied that Zayd should be allowed to choose his fate, but that if he wished to return to his family, Muhammad would release him without accepting any ransom in exchange. They called for Zayd, who easily recognised his father and uncle, but told them that he did not want to leave Muhammad, “for I have seen something in this man, and I am not the kind of person who would ever choose anyone in preference to him.” At this, Muhammad took Zayd to the steps of the Kaaba, where legal contracts were agreed and witnessed, and announced to the crowds: “Witness that Zayd becomes my son, with mutual rights of inheritance.” On seeing this, Zayd’s father and uncle “were satisfied,” and they returned home without him. [ 6 ] In accordance with the Arabic custom of adoption, Zayd was thereafter known as “Zayd ibn Muhammad” and was a freedman, regarded socially and legally as Muhammad’s son. [ 7 ] Conversion to Islam At an unknown date before 610, Zayd accompanied Muhammad to Ta'if. Near Baldah on their way back to Mecca, they met Zayd ibn Amrand offered him some of the cooked meat that Zayd was carrying in their bag. [ 8 ]Zayd ibn Amr, an outspoken monotheist, [ 9 ]replied, "I do not eat anything which you slaughter in the name of your stone idols. I eat none but those things on which Allah's Name has been mentioned at the time of slaughtering." [ 10 ]After this encounter, said Muhammad, "I never stroked an idol of theirs, nor did I sacrifice to them, until God honoured me with his apostleship." [ 8 ] When Muhammad reported in 610 that he had received a revelation from the angel Gabriel, Zayd was one of the first converts to Islam. While Khadijah was the first Muslimof all, [ 11 ]she was closely followed by her neighbour Lubaba bint al-Harith, [ 12 ]her four daughters, [ 13 ]and the first male converts, Ali, Zayd and Abu Bakr. [ 14 ]

was born into the wealthy Umayyad clan of the Quraish tribe in Mecca, a few years after Muhammad)SAW( . He was an early convert to Islam, and was well known for using his wealth to benefit charities. This put him into opposition to his powerful clan, which was Muhammad's )SAW( greatest enemy. During the life of Muhammad)SAW( , he was also part of the first Muslim emigration to the city of Axum in Ethiopia, where Muhammad )SAW( sent some of his followers to seek refuge and the later emigration from Mecca to Medina. He frequently served as Muhammad's )SAW( secretary. It is stated in al-Fiqh al-Akbar: 'The most noble person after the Prophets )SAW( is Abu Bakr, the Most Truthful )as-Siddeeq(, )R A(, then 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Differentiator )al-Farooq(, )R A(, then 'Uthman Ibn 'Affan, Possesor of Two Lights )Dhun-Nurayn(, )R A(....' His lineage is: 'Uthman, son of 'Affan, son of 'Aas, son of Umayya, sonf of 'Abd Shams, son of 'Abd Manaf, son of Qusayy al-Qurashi al-Umawi. The title of Dhun Nurayn was given to him because the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his daughter Ruqayya )R Anha( in marriage. When she passed away, the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his other daughter Umm Kulthum )R Anha(, and when she passed away, the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( remarked, 'If I possessed a third daughter, I would marry her to you, too.' This is why Hadrat Uthman )R A( was given the title 'Possessor of Two Lights' )Dhun-Noorayn(. It is related by Anas )RA( that when the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( ordered the Pledge of Ridwan )Bay'atur Ridwan(, Uthman )R A( was the envoy of the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( to Makkah )and thus not present(. The Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( took the pledge from everybody and remarked, ''Uthman )R A(is occupied in the work of Allaah and His Messenger,'' and thereafter struck his one hand over the other. This way, the two hands of the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( for Uthman )R A( were superior to everybody else's hands for themselves. )Tirmidhi, al-Manaqib, 1639( IN DETAIL: Uthaman RadiyaAllahu ‘anhu was very handsome. In fact, ” ‘Abdullah bin Hazm )R A( said: “I saw ‘Uthman, and I never saw a man or woman more beautiful than him.” )as quoted in the forums from ‘Siyar A’lam an-Nubala’(. It is said that ” ‘Uthman )R A(was, to the Prophet’s daughters, an ideal husband. He was compassionate with his wi]v[e]s[ and he was very modest.” It is also said that he was well liked by the Quraysh. He was described as being “free of enmity, amiable, soft-spoken;” and “generous towards members of his family.” He was Born in Taa-if. Married Ruqayyah in Makkah and then made hijra to Al-Habasha/Abyssinia, followed by hijrah to Madinah. When RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam left for the battle of badr, Ruqayyah )R Anha( was sick, so RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave ‘Uthman )R A(permission to stay with her. She died during the battle. o After Ruqayyah’s death )Rahmat Allah ‘alayha(, RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave Umm Kulthoom to ‘Uthman )R A(in marriage. During his lifetime he was given glad tidings of Paradise. He was the third khalifah A few of his notable characteristics: His Modesty It is reported that the Prophet )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( was “lying on his bed covered with the bed sheet of A’isha )radiyaAllahu ‘anha(.” Abu Bakr )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. Then Umar )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and then left. However, when ‘Uthman )R A()radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( sought permission to enter, RasoolAllahu )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( “got up and ]s[aid to A’isha: Wrap yourself well with your cloth.” Then ‘Uthman )R A(fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. A’isha asked RasoolAllah )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( why he differed in his response to ‘Uthman )R A()in the matter of dressing(. “Thereupon Allah’s Messenger )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( said: Verily ‘Uthman )R A(is a person who is very modest and I was afraid that if I permitted him to enter in this very state he would not inform me of his need

was born into the wealthy Umayyad clan of the Quraish tribe in Mecca, a few years after Muhammad)SAW( . He was an early convert to Islam, and was well known for using his wealth to benefit charities. This put him into opposition to his powerful clan, which was Muhammad's )SAW( greatest enemy. During the life of Muhammad)SAW( , he was also part of the first Muslim emigration to the city of Axum in Ethiopia, where Muhammad )SAW( sent some of his followers to seek refuge and the later emigration from Mecca to Medina. He frequently served as Muhammad's )SAW( secretary. It is stated in al-Fiqh al-Akbar: 'The most noble person after the Prophets )SAW( is Abu Bakr, the Most Truthful )as-Siddeeq(, )R A(, then 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Differentiator )al-Farooq(, )R A(, then 'Uthman Ibn 'Affan, Possesor of Two Lights )Dhun-Nurayn(, )R A(....' His lineage is: 'Uthman, son of 'Affan, son of 'Aas, son of Umayya, sonf of 'Abd Shams, son of 'Abd Manaf, son of Qusayy al-Qurashi al-Umawi. The title of Dhun Nurayn was given to him because the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his daughter Ruqayya )R Anha( in marriage. When she passed away, the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his other daughter Umm Kulthum )R Anha(, and when she passed away, the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( remarked, 'If I possessed a third daughter, I would marry her to you, too.' This is why Hadrat Uthman )R A( was given the title 'Possessor of Two Lights' )Dhun-Noorayn(. It is related by Anas )RA( that when the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( ordered the Pledge of Ridwan )Bay'atur Ridwan(, Uthman )R A( was the envoy of the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( to Makkah )and thus not present(. The Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( took the pledge from everybody and remarked, ''Uthman )R A(is occupied in the work of Allaah and His Messenger,'' and thereafter struck his one hand over the other. This way, the two hands of the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( for Uthman )R A( were superior to everybody else's hands for themselves. )Tirmidhi, al-Manaqib, 1639( IN DETAIL: Uthaman RadiyaAllahu ‘anhu was very handsome. In fact, ” ‘Abdullah bin Hazm )R A( said: “I saw ‘Uthman, and I never saw a man or woman more beautiful than him.” )as quoted in the forums from ‘Siyar A’lam an-Nubala’(. It is said that ” ‘Uthman )R A(was, to the Prophet’s daughters, an ideal husband. He was compassionate with his wi]v[e]s[ and he was very modest.” It is also said that he was well liked by the Quraysh. He was described as being “free of enmity, amiable, soft-spoken;” and “generous towards members of his family.” He was Born in Taa-if. Married Ruqayyah in Makkah and then made hijra to Al-Habasha/Abyssinia, followed by hijrah to Madinah. When RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam left for the battle of badr, Ruqayyah )R Anha( was sick, so RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave ‘Uthman )R A(permission to stay with her. She died during the battle. o After Ruqayyah’s death )Rahmat Allah ‘alayha(, RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave Umm Kulthoom to ‘Uthman )R A(in marriage. During his lifetime he was given glad tidings of Paradise. He was the third khalifah A few of his notable characteristics: His Modesty It is reported that the Prophet )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( was “lying on his bed covered with the bed sheet of A’isha )radiyaAllahu ‘anha(.” Abu Bakr )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. Then Umar )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and then left. However, when ‘Uthman )R A()radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( sought permission to enter, RasoolAllahu )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( “got up and ]s[aid to A’isha: Wrap yourself well with your cloth.” Then ‘Uthman )R A(fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. A’isha asked RasoolAllah )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( why he differed in his response to ‘Uthman )R A()in the matter of dressing(. “Thereupon Allah’s Messenger )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( said: Verily ‘Uthman )R A(is a person who is very modest and I was afraid that if I permitted him to enter in this very state he would not inform me of his need

was born into the wealthy Umayyad clan of the Quraish tribe in Mecca, a few years after Muhammad)SAW( . He was an early convert to Islam, and was well known for using his wealth to benefit charities. This put him into opposition to his powerful clan, which was Muhammad's )SAW( greatest enemy. During the life of Muhammad)SAW( , he was also part of the first Muslim emigration to the city of Axum in Ethiopia, where Muhammad )SAW( sent some of his followers to seek refuge and the later emigration from Mecca to Medina. He frequently served as Muhammad's )SAW( secretary. It is stated in al-Fiqh al-Akbar: 'The most noble person after the Prophets )SAW( is Abu Bakr, the Most Truthful )as-Siddeeq(, )R A(, then 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Differentiator )al-Farooq(, )R A(, then 'Uthman Ibn 'Affan, Possesor of Two Lights )Dhun-Nurayn(, )R A(....' His lineage is: 'Uthman, son of 'Affan, son of 'Aas, son of Umayya, sonf of 'Abd Shams, son of 'Abd Manaf, son of Qusayy al-Qurashi al-Umawi. The title of Dhun Nurayn was given to him because the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his daughter Ruqayya )R Anha( in marriage. When she passed away, the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( gave him his other daughter Umm Kulthum )R Anha(, and when she passed away, the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( remarked, 'If I possessed a third daughter, I would marry her to you, too.' This is why Hadrat Uthman )R A( was given the title 'Possessor of Two Lights' )Dhun-Noorayn(. It is related by Anas )RA( that when the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( ordered the Pledge of Ridwan )Bay'atur Ridwan(, Uthman )R A( was the envoy of the Messenger of Allah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( to Makkah )and thus not present(. The Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( took the pledge from everybody and remarked, ''Uthman )R A(is occupied in the work of Allaah and His Messenger,'' and thereafter struck his one hand over the other. This way, the two hands of the Messenger of Allaah )sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam( for Uthman )R A( were superior to everybody else's hands for themselves. )Tirmidhi, al-Manaqib, 1639( IN DETAIL: Uthaman RadiyaAllahu ‘anhu was very handsome. In fact, ” ‘Abdullah bin Hazm )R A( said: “I saw ‘Uthman, and I never saw a man or woman more beautiful than him.” )as quoted in the forums from ‘Siyar A’lam an-Nubala’(. It is said that ” ‘Uthman )R A(was, to the Prophet’s daughters, an ideal husband. He was compassionate with his wi]v[e]s[ and he was very modest.” It is also said that he was well liked by the Quraysh. He was described as being “free of enmity, amiable, soft-spoken;” and “generous towards members of his family.” He was Born in Taa-if. Married Ruqayyah in Makkah and then made hijra to Al-Habasha/Abyssinia, followed by hijrah to Madinah. When RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam left for the battle of badr, Ruqayyah )R Anha( was sick, so RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave ‘Uthman )R A(permission to stay with her. She died during the battle. o After Ruqayyah’s death )Rahmat Allah ‘alayha(, RasoolAllah sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gave Umm Kulthoom to ‘Uthman )R A(in marriage. During his lifetime he was given glad tidings of Paradise. He was the third khalifah A few of his notable characteristics: His Modesty It is reported that the Prophet )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( was “lying on his bed covered with the bed sheet of A’isha )radiyaAllahu ‘anha(.” Abu Bakr )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. Then Umar )radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( was given permission to enter, fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and then left. However, when ‘Uthman )R A()radiyaAllahu ‘anhu( sought permission to enter, RasoolAllahu )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( “got up and ]s[aid to A’isha: Wrap yourself well with your cloth.” Then ‘Uthman )R A(fulfilled the purpose of his visit, and left. A’isha asked RasoolAllah )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( why he differed in his response to ‘Uthman )R A()in the matter of dressing(. “Thereupon Allah’s Messenger )sallahAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam( said: Verily ‘Uthman )R A(is a person who is very modest and I was afraid that if I permitted him to enter in this very state he would not inform me of his need

Abu bakr sideek RadiAllahu anhu

Abu Bakr was always a very close Companion of the Holy Prophet, he knew him better than any other man. He knew how honest and upright the Prophet was. Such knowledge of the Prophet made Abu Bakr be the first man to follow the Message of Prophet Muhammadsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. He was indeed the first adult male to accept Islam. The Holy Prophet told Abu Bakr what had happened at Mount Hira', he told him that Allahsubhanahu wa ta'alahad revealed to him and made him His Messenger. When Abu Bakr heard this from the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, he did not stop to think, he at once became a Muslim. He submitted to Islam with such determination that once the Holy Prophet himself remarked,"I called people to Islam, everybody thought over it, at least for a while, but this was not the case with Abu Bakr, the moment I put Islam before him, he accepted it without any hesitation."He was titledas-Siddiqby the Prophet because his faith was too strong to be shaken by anything. In fact, Abu Bakr was more than a great believer, as soon as he became a Muslim, he immediately began to preach Islam to others. Among those who accepted Abu Bakr's invitation to Islam were 'Uthman, Az-Zubayr, Talhah, 'Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf, Sa'ad ibn Waqqas and others who later became the pillars of Islam. Abu Bakr's love of the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallamwas so great that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of protecting and comforting the Prophet saw. Such love and sacrifice were demonstrated when one day the Holy Prophet was saying his prayers in theKa'bah, while some of the chiefs of Makkah were sitting in the court yard of theKa'bah. Seeing the Prophet praying, 'Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'it took a long piece of cloth and put it around the Prophet's neck and twisted it hard in an attempt to strangle the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallamto death. At that moment Abu Bakr happened to pass by from a distance, he saw 'Uqbah trying to strangle the Prophet to death. Immediately Abu Bakr ran to the help of the Prophet, he pushed 'Uqbah aside and took the cloth from aroundthe Prophet's neck. Thereupon the enemies of Islam came down upon Abu Bakr and beat him unmercifully, although Abu Bakr with faith like a rock did not care for his own suffering, he was glad that he was able to save the Prophet of Allah, even at the risk of his own life. Abu Bakr with the wealth he had, also had a major role in freeing some of the Muslim slaves, who were barbarically tortured by their heartless Mushrik masters to give up the faith and return to their masters' beliefs. The heartless monsters tried all kinds of torture: they made them lie all naked on the burning desert sand, putting big stones on their chest, as well as other kinds of torture. Here Abu Bakr's wealth came to the rescue, as he bought the poor helpless slaves from their inhuman masters and set them free, Bilal al-Habashi, the slave of 'Umayyah ibn Khalaf, was among those who were set free by Abu Bakr. Bilal became afterwards themu'adhinat the Prophet's mosque. Migration to Madinah Islam was growing rapidly in Makkah, the enemies of Islam were getting frustrated by this rapid growth. The chiefs of Makkah found that it is necessary for them to get rid of the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallambefore Islam can cause a real threat to them, so they planned to kill the Prophet. Allahsubhanahu wa ta'alarevealed to his Prophet the intentions of the non-believers and ordered him to migrate to Madinah. So the Prophet quickly went to Abu Bakr's house who was among the few that were left in Makkah with the majority of Muslims having already migrated to Madinah. The Prophet informed Abu Bakr that he was commanded to migrate to Madinah that night and that he has chosen him to have the honor of joining him on his migration. Abu Bakr's heart was full of joy,"I have been looking forward to this day for months,"he exclaimed. The Makkans were so eager to find the Prophet they were searching for him like mad hounds. Once they came to the mouth of the cave, Abu Bakr grew pale with fright, he feared not for himself, but for the life of the Holy Prophet. However, the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallamremained calm and said to Abu Bakr,"do not fear, certainly Allah is with us". Such words quickly calmed down Abu Bakr and brought back tranquility to his heart. Participation in Battles Abu Bakr, being the closest of Companions to the Prophetsallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, took part in all the battles that Prophet Muhammad had fought. At 'Uhud and Hunayn, some members of the Muslim army showed signs of weakness, however, Abu Bakr's faith never wavered, he always stood like a rock by the side of the Prophet. Abu Bakr's faith and determination to raise the banner of Islam were so great that at Badr, one of his sons, who had not yet embraced Islam was fighting among the enemies, Abu Bakr was so eager to find his son in the battle that he was searching for him amongst the enemies in order to slay him.

who Umar bin al-Khattab

Full Name'Umar bin al-Khattab ( Arabic:عمر بن الخطاب‎) Reign23 August 634 CE – 3 November 644 CE Born577 CE Moharram ul Haram - 1(45 BH in the ancient (intercalated) Arabic calendar) Mecca, ArabiaBirthplace Died3 November 644 CE (26 Zulhijjah 23 AH) [ 1 ] Medina, Arabia, Rashidun EmpireDeathplace Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, MedinaPlace of Burial Abu BakrPredecessor Uthman ibn AffanSuccessor Khattab ibn NufaylFather MotherHantamah binti Hisham Zayd ibn al-KhattabBrother(s) Fatimah bint al-KhattabSister(s) Spouse(s)• Zaynab bint Maz'un • Quraybah bint Abi Umayyah al-Makhzumi • Umm Hakim bint al-Harith ibn Hisham • Umm Kulthum bint Ali [ 2 ] [ 3 ] • Atikah bint Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl • Luhyah • Fukayhah Son(s)• Abdullah ibn Umar • 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn 'Umar • 'Ubaid Allah ibn 'Umar • Zayd ibn 'Umar • Asim ibn Umar • Iyaad ibn 'Umar • 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn 'Umar • Az-Zubayr ibn Bakkar (Abu Shahmah) Daughter(s)• Hafsa bint 'Umar • Fatima bint 'Umar • Zaynab bint 'Umar Other Titles

هل استحق ابراهيموفيتش الطرد أمام تشيلسي

احتاج زلاتان ابراهيموفيتش إلى 31 دقيقة فقط ليترك بصمته على أداء فريقه يارس سان جيرمان الفرنسي أمام مضيفه تشيلسي الإنجليزي، لكن بطريقة لم يكن يتمناها. وفي الشوط الاول من عمر مباراة الفريقين في إياب ثمن نهائي مسابقة دوري أبطال أوروبا، تلقى ابراهيموفيتش البطاقة الحمراء بعد مخالفة عنيفة ضد لاعب تشيلسي أوسكار. الحكم لم يتأخر في إخراج بطاقته، كمان أن زلاتان لم يعترض كثيرا

إيرينا شايك تكشف أسباب انفصالها عن كريستيانو

فتحت عارضة الأزياء الروسية إيرينا شايك قلبها أخيرا عن انفصالها عن حبيبها السابق لاعب نادي "ريال مدريد"، كريستيانو رونالدو. وأكدت شايك أن هداف المنتخب البرتغالي ليس رائعا كما يراه الكثيرون، مؤكدة أنه تصرفاته طفولية ولا يحترم المرأة، مشددة على تفضيلها لمواعدة رجل أكثر إخلاصا لها. وقالت صاحبة الـ 29 عاما عن انفصالها عن رونالدو في حوارها مع النسخة الأسبانية من مجلة "Hello": "أشعر إنني إيجابية وقوية، عندما تكونين في علاقة عاطفية من الأفضل أن تكون جيدة أو من الأفضل أن تغادري". وتابعت: "العلاقات العاطفية صعبة، لذلك يجب أن أكون واضحة بخصوص الرجل الذي أريده بجانبي وما هي القيم التي نتشارك فيها، وما هو مهم بالنسبة لحياتنا". وفسرت: "عندما تقررين الاستمرار مع شخص ما، لابد أن تنظرا في نفس الاتجاه. وكلاكما يجب أن تتفقا على مفهوم العلاقة بالنسبة لكما، وكلاكما يجب أن تكونا مؤمنان بالإخلاص لشخص واحد فقط"، في إشارة منها إلى عدم إخلاص رونالدو لها. وعن المواصفات التي يفتقر إليها كريستيانو، قالت شايك: "أريد رجلا مخلصا صريحا نبيلا، يعرف كيف يعامل المرأة باحترام. لا أؤمن بالرجل الذي يجعل النساء يشعرن بالتعاسة. هذه ليست تصرفات رجل ناضج بل طفل". واختتمت قائلة: "اعتقدت أنني حصلت على الرجل المثالي، لكن هذا لم يحدث... أعتقد أن النساء يشعرن أنهن قبيحات عندما يواعدن الرجل الخطأ، وأنا شعرت أنني قبيحة وغير واثقة من نفسي بجانبه". من المعروف أن كريستيانو وإيرينا بدأت علاقتهما في يناير 2010 وانتهت علاقتهما بعد 5 أعوام، ويحاول حاليا رونالدو التركيز على الحفاظ على معدل تهديفه المرتفع، لذلك قرر عدم الحديث للصحافة عن انفصاله عن حبيبته حتى انتهاء موسم 2014- 2015

قصة الحجاج بن يوسف والغلمان الثلاثه

روي أن الحجاجبن يوسفالثقفي أصدر مرسوماً بأن الخروج بعد العشاء ممنوع ، وأن من خرج يقتل ... فبينما الجنود يتجولون ، إذ رأوا ثلاثة أولاد ، فقبضوا عليهم ، وجاءوا بهم إلى قسم التحقيق ، وسألوهم من هم؟! فأجاب الأول : أَنا ابن الذي تُنْزِل الدِّهـر قِـدْرَ......هُوإِن نَزَلَتْ يَوْماً فَسـوْفَ تَعُـودُ تَرَى النّاس أَفْواجاً إلى ضَوْءِ نارِ......هِفَمِنْهُـمْ قَيَـامٌ حَوْلَـهُ وَقُـعُـود فأجاب الثاني : أَنا ابنُ الذي خاضَ الصفوف بِعَزْمِهِ......وَقَوَّمَهَا بالسَّيْـفِ حَتّـى اسْتَقَامَـتِ رِكَاباهُ لا تَنْفَـكُّ رِجْـلاَهُ مِنْهُمَـا......إِذَا الخَيْلُ في يَوْم الكَريهـةِ وَلَّـتِ فأجاب الثالث : أنا ابن الَّذي دَانَتِ الرِّقابُ لَهُ......مَابَيْنَ مَخْزُومِها وَهَاشِمِهَـا تَأْتي إليْهِ الرَّقابُ صاغِـرَةَّ......يأْخُذُ مِنْ مَالِهَا وَمِنْ دَمِهَـا فلما رفع أمرهم للحجاج بن يوسف، وسمع شعرهم ، تبين أن : الأول <<<<أبوه فــــــوالٌ الثاني<<<< أبوه حـــــائك الثالث<<<<أبوه حـــــجَّام فعند ذلك قال الحجاج: علموا أولادكم الأدب ، فوالله لولا الأدب لضربتُ أعناقهم .ثم صمت الحجاجبرهة وقال : كُنِ ابنَ مَنْ شِئْتَ واكْتَسِبْ أدباً......يُغْنِيكَ مَحْمُودُهُ عـن النَّسَـبِ إنَّ الفَتَى مَنْ يَقُولُ هَا أَنـا ذا......لَيْسَ الفتَى مَنْ يَقُول كَان أَبي

اعرف قصة سعيد بن جبير مع الحجاج

التابعي الجليل سعيد بن جبير .. كان على عهد الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي، فوقف في وجهه سيدنا سعيد وتحداه وحارب ظُلمه حتى قُبِض عليه .. فجيء به ليُقتَل .... فسأله الحجاج مستهزئا : ما اسمك ؟ )وهويعلم اسمه( قال: سعيد بن جبير قال الحجاج :بل أنت شقي بن كسير) يعكس اسمه ( فيرد سعيد :أمي أعلم باسمي حين أسمتني فقال الحجاج غاضبا :شقيت وشقيَت أمك فقال سعيد :إنما يشقى من كان من أهل النار , فهل اطلعت على الغيب ؟ فيرد الحجاج: لأُبَدِلَنَّك بِدُنياك ناراً تلَظّى! فقال سعيد :والله لو أعلم أن هذا بيدك لاتخذتك إلها يُعبَد من دون الله فقال الحجاج:فلِم فررت مني ؟ قال سعيد :) ففرت منكم لما خفتكم ( فقال الحجاج :اختر لنفسك قتلة ياسعيد .. فقال سعيد :بل اختر لنفسك أنت , فما قتلتني بقتلة إلا قتلك الله بها ! فيرد الحجاج :لأقتلنك قتلة ما قتلتها أحدا قبلك .. ولن أقتلها لأحد بعدك ! فيقول سعيد: إذاً تُفسِد عليّ دُنياي , وأُفسِد عليك آخرتك ولم يعد يحتمل الحجاج ثباته فينادي بالحرس :جروه واقتلوه فيضحك سعيد ،و يمضي مع قاتله , فيناديه الحجاج مغتاظا :ما الذي يضحكك ؟ يقول سعيد :أضحك من جرأتك على الله ، وحلم الله عليك !! فاشتد غيظ الحجاج وغضبه كثيراً ونادى بالحراس : اذبحوه !! فقال سعيد :وجِّهوني إلى القبلة .. ثم وضعوا السيف على رقبته ,فقال : ) وجهت وجهي للذي فطر السموات والأرض حنيفاً مسلماً وما أنا من المشركين.. ( فقال الحجاج غيّروا وجهه عن القبلة ! فقال سعيد) ولله المشرق والمغرب فأينما تُولّوا فثمّ وجه الله ( فقال الحجاج: كُبّوه على وجهه فقال سعيد :) منها خلقناكم وفيها نعيدكم ومنها نخرجكم تارة أخرى ( فنادى الحجاج :اذبحوه ! ما أسرع لسانك بالقرآن ياسعيد بن جبير! .. فقال سعيد :أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله .. خذها مني يا حجاج حتى ألقاك بها يوم القيامة .. ثم دعا قائلا :اللهم لاتسلطه على أحد بعدي . وقُتل سعيد .. والعجيب أنه بعد موته صار الحجاج يصرخ كل ليلة : مالي ولسعيد بن جبير ! كلما أردت النوم أخذ برجلي ! وبعد 15 يوماً فقط يموت الحجاج قصة سعيد بن جبير مع الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي !! هام للأطلاع !!!!لم يسلط على أحد من بعد سعيد رحمه الله قصة سعيد بن جبير مع الحجاج

من نوادر الأعراب قصص

*- قال ابو المجسر الأعرابيّ: كانت لي بنت تجلس معي على المائدة فلا تقع عينها على لقمة نفيسة إلا خصّتني بها، فكبرت وزوجتها، وصرت أجلس إلى المائدة مع ابن لي، فوالله لن تسبق عيني إلى لقمة طيبة إلا سبقت يده إليها. *- قال هشام بن عبد الملك يوماً لأصحابه: من يسبني ولا يفحش وهذا المطرف له، وكان فيهم أعرابيّ فقال: ألقهِ يا أحول، فقال خذه قاتلك الله. *- وقف أعرابيّ على قوم فسألهم عن أسمائهم فقال أحدهم: اسمي وثيق، وقال الآخر منيع، وقال الآخر ثابت وقال آخر اسمي شديد، فقال الأعرابيّ: ما أظن الأقفال عملت إلا من أسمائكم. *- أقبل أعرابيّ يريد رجلاً وبين يدي الرجل طبق تين، فلما أبصر الأعرابيّ غطى التين بكسائه والأعرابيّ يلاحظه، فجلس بين يديه فقال له الرجل: هل تحسن من القرآن شيئاً، قال: نعم، قال إقرأ، فقرأ: والزيتون وطور سينين، فقال الرجل فأين التين ؟ فقال الأعرابيّ: التين تحت كسائك !. *- تزوج شيخ من الأعراب جاريةً من رهطه، وطمع أن تلد له غلاماً فولدت له جارية، فهجرها وهجر منزلها وصار يأوي إلى غير بيتها، فمر بخبائها بعد حول وإذا هي تُرَقِّص بُنَيَّتَها منه وهي تقول: ما لأبي حمزة لا يأتينـا يظل في البيت الذي يلينا غضبان أ

عشرات القصص من نوادر الاعراب

*- أوقد أعرابيّ ناراَ يتّقي بها برد الصحراء في الليالي القارسة، ولما جلس يتدفّأ ردّد مرتاحاَ: اللهم لا تحرمنيها لا في الدنيا ولا في الآخرة. *- تزوّج أعرابيّ على كبر سنه، فعوتب على مصير أولاده القادمين، فقال: أبادرهم باليتم قبل أن يبادروني بالعقوق. *- ألحَّ سائلٌ على أعرابيّ أن يعطيه حاجةً لوجه الله، فقال الأعرابيّ: والله ليس عندي ما أعطيه للغير.. فالذي عندي أنا أولى الناس به وأحقّ! فقال السائل: أين الذين كانوا يؤثرون الفقير على أنفسهم ولو كانت بهم خصاصة؟ فقال الأعرابيّ: ذهبوا مع الذين لا يسألون الناس إلحافا. *- قيل لأعرابيّ: ما يمنعك أن تغزو؟ فقال: والله إني لأبغض الموت على فراشي فكيف أمضي اليه ركضاً. *- عوتب أحد الأعراب على الكذب، فقال للذي عاتبه: والله لو غرغرت به لهاتك ما صبرتَ عليه. *- قيل لأعرابيّ: هل لك في النكاح؟ قال: لو قدرت أن أطلق نفسي لطلقتها. *- جيء بأعرابيّ إلى أحد الولاة لمحاكمته على جريمة أُتهم بارتكابها، فلما دخل على الوالي في مجلسه، أخرج كتاباً ضمّنه قصته، وقدمه له وهو يقول: هاؤم إقرأوا كتابيه .. فقال الوالي: إنما يقال هذا يوم القيامة. فقال: هذا والله شرٌّ من يوم القيامة، ففي يوم القيامة يُؤتى بحسناتي وسيئاتي، أما أنتم فقد جئتم بسيئاتي وتركتم حسناتي. *- حدّث أحدهم قال: أتاني أعرابيّ بدرهم فقلت له: هذا زائف فمن أعطاكه؟ قال: لصٌّ مثلك ! . *- دعا أعرابيّ في طريق مكة فقال: هل من عائدٍ بفضل، أو مواسٍ من كفاف؟، فأُمسكَ عنه فقال: اللهم لا تكلنا إلى أنفسنا فنعجز، ولا إلى الناس فنضيع؟. *- حضرَ أعرابيّ سُفرة هشام بن عبد الملك، فبينا هو يأكل إذ تعلّقت شَعْرة في لقمة الأعرابيّ، فقال له هشام: عندك شَعْرة في لُقمتك يا أعرابيّ! فقال: وإنك لتلاحظني ملاحظة مَن يرى الشَعرة في لُقمتي! والله لا أكلتُ عندك أبداً! وخرج وهو يقول: وللموتُ خيرٌ من زيارةِ باخلٍ يُلاحظُ أطرافَ الأكيلِ على عمدِ *- حكى الأصمعي قال: كنتُ أسير في أحد شوارع الكوفة فاذا بأعرابيّ يحمل قطعةً من القماش، فسألني أن أدلّه على خياطٍ قريب. فأخذته إلى خياطٍ يُدعى زيداً، وكان أعور، فقال الخياط: والله لأُخيطنّه خياطةً لا تدري أقباء هو أم دراج، فقال الأعرابيّ: والله لأقولن فيك شعراً لا تدري أمدحٌ هو أم هجاء. فلما أتم الخياط الثوب أخذه الأعرابيّ ولم يعرف هل يلبسه على انه قباء أو دراج! فقال في الخياط هذا الشعر: خَاطَ لي زَيْدٌ قِبَاء ليتَ عينيه سِوَاء فلم يدرِ الخياط أدُعاءٌ له أم دعاءٌ عليه. *- نظر أعرابيّ إلى البدر في رمضان فقال: سَمِنتَ فأهزلتني أراني الله فيك السلّ ! . *- دعا أعرابيّ على عامل فقال: صبّ الله عليك الصّادات، يعني الصفع والصرف والصلب. *- حضر أعرابيّ مائدة سليمان بن عبد الملك فجعل يمدّ يديه فقال له الحاجب: كُلْ مما يليك، فقال: من أخصب تخيّر، فأعجب ذلك سليمان وقضى حوائجه. *- وقف المهدي على عجوزٍ من العرب فقال لها: ممن أنتِ، فقالت: من طيء، فقال: ما منع طيّاً أن يكون فيهم آخر مثل حاتم، فقالت مسرعة: الذي منع الملوك أن يكون فيهم مثلك، فعجبَ من سرعة جوابها وأمر لها بصِلَة. *- قيل لأعرابيّ كان يتعشّق قينة: ما يضرك لو اشتريتها ببعض ما تنفق عليها؟ قال: فمن لي إذ ذاك بلذة الخلسة، ولقاء المسارقة، وانتظار الموعد. *- قيل بينما أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه جالس، إذ جاء أعرابيّ فلطمه، فقام اليه واقد بن عمرو فجلد به الأرض، فقال عمر: ليس بعزيزٍ من ليس في قومه سفيه. *- انفرد الحجاج يوماً عن عسكره فلقي أعرابيّاً فقال: يا وجه العرب كيف الحجاج؟ قال: ظالم غاشم قال: فهلا شكوته إلى عبد الملك فقال: لعنه الله أظلم منه وأغشم، فأحاط به العسكر فقال أركبوا البدويّ فأركبوه فسأل عنه فقالوا هو الحجاج فركض من الفرس خلفه وقال: يا حجاج، قال: مالك، قال: السر الذي بيني وبينك لا يطلع عليه أحد، فضحك وخلاه. *- أتى أعرابيّ بفالوذج "نوع من الحلوى الفارسية" فأكل منه لقمة، فقيل له: هل تعرف هذا؟ فقال هذا وحياتك الصراط المستقيم. *- قال أعرابيّ لرجل رآه سميناً: أرى عليك قطيفةً من نسج أضراسك. *- قال العتبي: أشرف عمرو بن هبيرة يوماً من قصره فإذا هو بأعرابيّ يرقل قلوصه فقال عمرو لحاجبه: إن أرادني هذا الأعرابيّ فأوصله إليّ، فلما وصل الأعرابيّ سأله الحاجب، فقال: أردت الأمير، فدخل عليه فلما مثل بين يديه قال له: ما حاجتك ؟ فأنشد الأعرابيّ يقول: أصلحك الله قلَّ ما بيدي ولا أطيق العيال إذ كثروا أناخ دهري عليّ كلكلـــه فأرسلوني إليك وانتظروا فأخذت عمرو الأريحية فجعل يهتز في مجلسه، ثم قال أرسلوك إليّ وانتظروا، والله لا تجلس حتى تعود إليهم بما يسرهم، ثم أمر له بألف دينار

تعرف علي اسرار البناء

الهرم الأكبرأوهرم خوفوهو أكثر آثار العالم إثارة للجدل والخيال، والوحيد من عجائب الدنيا السبعالباقي إلى الآن، روج الكثيرون حوله الكثير من الأساطير والروايات، فأشاع البعض أن ساكني قارة أطلنطسالمفقودة هم بناة الأهرام، وافترض البعض الآخر أن عمالقة من تحت الأرض صعدوا لبناء هذا الهرم، وزعم آخرون أن الهرم قد بني بواسطة السحر، أو أن كائنات فضائية نزلت من الفضاء وقامت ببنائه، والكثير الكثير من الروايات التي تدل على مدى إثارة وغموض هذا البناء المعماري الضخم. يعود بناء هرم خوفو إلى نحو سنة 2560 قبل الميلاد. يعد بناء هرم الملك خوفو نقلة حضارية كبرى في تاريخ مصر القديم، وقد تأثرخنوم خوفوبأبيه الملك سنفروفي بناء هرمه ؛ فبعد موته، أصبح خوفو الإله حورسالحاكم على الأرض ، وأصبح من الضروري أن يفكر في بناء مقبرته والتي تعد المشروع القومي الأول في مصر القديمة ، الذي اشترك في بنائه عمال محترفون من جميع انحاء مصر . وظل الهرم الأكبر بارتفاعه الأصلي الذي كان يصل إلى 148 متر أعلى بناء أتمه الإنسان على الأرض على مدي 3800 سنة ، وهو أضخم بناء بناه الإنسان
فلت استغفرو ربكم انه كان غفارا يرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا ومددكم بأموال وبنين ويجعل لكم جنات ويجعل لكم انهارا

اراءكم في المؤتمر الاقتصادي

اراءكم في المؤتمر الاقتصادي

اراءكم في المؤتمر الاقتصادي

اراءكم في المؤتمر الاقتصادي شاركونا

نكت نداله

ولد بقول لأبوه :بابا اعطيني خمس قروش قله شوبتقول اربع قروش لويش الثلاث قروش معي قرشين تاخذ قرش مرة سواق تاكسي قابل و مرة سواق تاكسي قابل واحد مسطول قال له تاخد كام و توديني فين؟؟ السواق رد عليه و قاله: هات اللي تجيبه و انزل هنا. مرة واحد مسطول آل لوا مرة واحد مسطول آل لواحد مسطول تاني يلا نسرق العمارة دي فرد التاني :نوديها بعيد الأول علشان محدش يوشفنا وبعدين ألعوا هدومهم وحطوها وراهم وأعدوا يزؤواوبعدين جه حرامي وسرق هدومهم فواحد بص وراه ملآش الهدوم فأل للتاني كفاية كده إحنا بعدنا أوي اجنبيه ريحتها طالعة اجنبيه ريحتها طالعة متل ريحة المزبلة ما علينا ... ركبت بالباص وقعدت جنب وحدة البنت ما استحملت الريحة و قالتلها: ولك أرفـتيني قالتلها: لا والله ما ارفتك مين انتي؟ تلاته اندال اتفقوا يش تلاته اندال اتفقوا يشوفوا مين اكتر نداله الاول شاف راجل عجوز عايز يعدي الشارع مسك ايده و سابه في نصف الشارع واتاني عداه وضربه التالت ضحك وقال انا اكتر نداله الراجل ده يبقي ابويه

زعيم داعش يعترف بالهزيمة أمام الجيش العراقي في تكريت

مجلس أعيان الموصل أعلن أن زعيم تنظيم "داعش" الإرهابي، أبو بكر البغدادي، وجه خطاباً منكسراً إلى أتباعه عبر "إذاعة الخلافة" التابعة لـ"داعش"، اعترف خلاله بالهزيمة في تكريت، ودعاهم إلى عدم مشاهدة الفضائيات. يذكر أن القوات العراقية تتقدم باتجاه تكريت، وأنها باتت على بعد نحو 600 متر عن وسط المدينة، بعدما سيطرت على الأجزاء الشمالية والشمالية الغربية منها

Egyptian pyramids

A view of the pyramids at Giza from the plateau to the south of the complex. From left to right, the three largest are: the Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafreand the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The three smaller pyramids in the foreground are subsidiary structures associated with Menkaure's pyramid. Unicode: Pyramid in hieroglyphs A view of the Pyramid of Khafrefrom the Sphinx. TheEgyptian pyramidsare ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. As of November 2008, there are sources citing both 118 and 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohsand their consorts during the Oldand Middle Kingdomperiods. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser(constructed 2630 BC–2611 BC) which was built during the third dynasty. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep, and are generally

ISIL/ Daesh wiping out Iraq’s Religious Minorities

Human Rights organizations warn that the Islamic State (IS) extremist group has targeted minority communities in Iraq in a “systematic strategy to remove them permanently” from large parts of the country. In a report launched on February 27, four nongovernmental organizations detailed summary executions, forced conversions, rape, and other abuses suffered by minorities. It says such acts are tantamount to war crimes, and in some cases, genocide. Of more than 2 million people displaced since January 2014, the report says, a “disproportionate number” are from minority ethnic and religious groups, including Christian Assyrians, Kaka’i, Shabak, Turkmen, and Yazidis, fleeing violence and persecution by IS fighters. IILHR Director William Spencer says minorities were subject to “wholesale discrimination and violence” well before the arrival of the IS group. “Now they face a new threat to their existence” from IS attacks, he adds. Via

Islamic State (Isis) Australian PM says he'll now use Daesh instead of Isil for 'death cult' – but why?

Tony Abbott says the new name deprives the group of legitimacy, but why do its members hate it and what makes naming them so complicated? Charlie Hebdo: first cover since terror attack depicts prophet Muhammad

A Top US General Now Calls ISIS By The Name They Hate

Lt. General James Terry A top US general in charge of US operations against ISIS in Iraq has started callingthe militants by a derogatory name that the group despises. At a press conference on Thursday, Lieutenant General James Terry used the name "Daesh" almost exclusively while discussing ISIS. Terry said he had began to use the term Daesh instead of ISIS at the request of Middle Eastern partners in the anti-ISIS coalition who wished to draw a sharp line between the group and Islam. Terry's decision to call the group Daesh follows a general trend towards addressing ISIS by the name that the groups views as highly pejorative. Within the past few weeks Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot has takento calling the group by Daesh, as has US Secretary of State John Kerry. “Daesh hates being referred to by this term, and what they don’t like has an instinctive ­appeal to me,” Abbott said. Daesh is an acronym for the Arabic version of ISIS's name: al-Dawla al-Islamyia fil Iraq wa’al Sham.

the name ISIS‏ ‏is offensive, will call it Daesh instead

What's in a name? When it comes to how to refer to the extremist group that has terrorized Syria and northern Iraq and violently imposed a caliphate, a lot. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a bit of a misnomer, says France, as it lends the imprimatur of Islam to a group that the vast majority of Muslims finds despicable. "This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists," France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a state ment. "The Arabs call it 'Daesh' and I will be calling them the 'Daesh cutthroats.'" The name Daesh, accord ing to France 24, is a "loose acronym" for "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (al-Dawlaal-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham). The name is commonly used by enemies of ISIS, and it also has many negative undertones, as Daesh sounds similar to the Arabic wordsDaes("one who crushes something underfoot") andDahes("one who sows discord"). Saman tha Rollins

من هي داعش وما هي اهدافه

البدء على أنه اندماج بين ما يسمى بـ "دولة العراق الإسلامية" التابع لتنظيم القاعدة الذي تشكّل في تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2006 والمجموعة التكفيرية المسلحة في سوريا المعروفة بـ"جبهة النصرة"، إلا أن هذا الإندماج الذي أعلن عنه قيادي "دولة العراق الإسلامية" أبو بكر البغدادي، رفضته "النصرة" على الفور. وبعد ذلك بشهرين، أمر زعيم "القاعدة" أيمن الظواهري بإلغاء الاندماج، إلا أن البغدادي أكمل العملية لتصبح "داعش" )الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام( واحدة من اكبر الجماعات الارهابية الرئيسية التي تقوم بالقتل والدمار في سوريا والعراق. داعش... من الألف الى الياء الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام.. هذا هو اسمها الكامل الذي تم اختصاره بجمع الأحرف الأولى من الكلمات لتصبح "داعش"، إسم آخر لها يتم تداوله في المناطق التي تسيطر عليها في سوريا )والعراق(، حيث بات المواطنين يرمزون الى التنظيم بكلمة "الدولة". هو تنظيم مسلح ارهابي يتبنى الفكر السلفي الجهادي )التكفيري( ويهدف المنظمون إليه الى اعادة مايسموه "الخلافة الإسلامية وتطبيق الشريعة"، يتخذ من العراق وسوريا مسرحا لعملياته )وجرائمه(.وأثار هذا التنظيم ) الارهابي( جدلا طويلا منذ ظهوره في سوريا، حول نشأته، ممارساته، أهدافه وإرتباطاته، الأمر الذي جعلها محور حديث الصحف والإعلام، وما بين التحاليل والتقارير، ضاعت هوية هذا التنظيم المتطرف وضاعت أهدافه و ارتباطاته بسبب تضارب المعلومات حوله. فئة تنظر اليه كأحد فروع القاعدة في سوريا، وفئة أخرى تراه تنظيم مستقل يسعى لإقامة دولة إسلامية، وفئة ثالثة تراه صنيعة النظام السوري للفتك بالمعارضة وفصائلها، وبين هذا وتلك وذاك... من هي داعش ؟

العريان يصل مطار القاهرة استعدادا للمشاركة في مؤتمر شرم الشيخ

وصل، قبل قليل، الدكتور محمد العريان، الخبير الاقتصادي العالمي، إلى مطار القاهرة، ومن المنتظر أن يصل العريان إلى مطار شرم الشيخ الليلة. ويأتي ذلك، في إطار مشاركته في مؤتمر دعم وتنمية الاقتصاد المصري، المقرر أن يبدا فاعلياته في شرم الشيخ صباح الجمعة المقبل، ويشارك العريان في المؤتمر كمتحدث للمؤتمر.

الامير مقرن الوفد السعودي مؤتمر شرم الشيخ مصر

الأمير مقرن يرأس الوفد السعودي لحضور مؤتمر شرم الشيخ الخميس 21 جمادي الأول 1436هـ - 12 مارس 2015م القاهرة - العربية.نت كشف السفير السعودي في القاهر أحمد قطان، أن ولي العهد الأمير مقرن بن عبدالعزيز سيرأس وفد المملكة في مؤتمر "مصر المستقبل"، المزمع انعقاده في مدينة شرم الشيخ المصرية خلال الفترة من 13 وحتى 15 مارس 2015م. وأضاف في بيان صحافي، الخميس، أن وفداً رسمياً رفيع المستوى سوف يرافق ولي العهد، يضم مجموعة من الوزراء وعددا من كبار رجال الأعمال والمستثمرين السعوديين. وأكد قطان على أن العلاقات السعودية المصرية لها جذور تاريخية، وأن أوجه التعاون بين البلدين في نمو في كافة المجالات، ومنها المجال الاقتصادي وأن المملكة هي أول من دعا إلى عقد هذا المؤتمر رغبة منها في دعم مصر، مشيراً إلى أن المملكة هي أكبر مستثمر عربي في جمهورية مصر العربية، وأن رجال الأعمال السعوديين يتطلعون إلى ضخ المزيد من الاستثمارات، مؤكداً على ثقته الكبيرة في أن مصر قادرة على إنجاح هذا المؤتمر، نظراً لما يتمتع به الاقتصاد المصري من فرص واعدة وقيادة متبصرة.

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